Daily writing prompt
Is your life today what you pictured a year ago?

Dear Gods! Not at all.  I wanted to be June Cleaver/Betty Page. I wanted a home and a partner. I thought I’d have something to leave my children. But things don’t work out the way we plan always. I wish I was better at the art of manifesting. I keep trying. But I’m really just not sure how it works.

Now all I want is a little piece of property next to some water to build myself a yurt on, with a garden and a greenhouse and some ducks and some goats. And maybe a man who loves me. Or not. I don’t need one. But it would be nice. I’d be down with a community place. We all have our own little houses, but a community where we live and care for one another. shrug. My idea of what I want my life to look like has certainly changed.

Writing prompt 12/17/23