Morning People

Daily writing prompt
Are you more of a night or morning person?

I am such a morning person. I reflect back on my younger days when I could stay up half the night and wake up oh so early and function fully. Now… I turn into a pumpkin between 8:30 and 9 pm. But my brain wakes up at around 3 am. Sometimes I tell it to shut up and go back to sleep, but this is only successful half the time. 4 am is it for me. I am wide awake and ready to start talking about all the thoughts and ideas in my head.

I haven’t been blogging or writing or anything. Which is sad… because I should be. It brings me joy and clarity. I’m not concerned about likes or a following. I don’t need all that outside validation. I mean, it’s nice but not necessary. It isn’t required for me to be happy or functional. My Gen X status leaves me in this “what you think about me doesn’t define me” headspace. Hold on… my housemate wants to talk….

Anyways… morning. When I am the most functional. I get all the things done. I should be a farmer. I want to talk about all the things. It is now 10 am… starting to get scattered because writing groove got interrupted and now I am stupid. 😂 Let’s take my ADHD brain to do things. Have a great day!