Thoughts on Transgender

This is probably going to get a lot of hate. I’m hoping that it gets a lot of thoughtful and open conversation. I’ve had people be very abusive in discussions. I’ve also had some people be very kind and thoughtful on the topic, even though I am pretty sure they are screaming on the inside about how I’m an old white cis woman who is oblivious (or worse).

There are so many layers to transgenderism in my mind.

  • Transgenderof, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person was identified as having at birth / especially of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person was identified as having at birth

I often ponder under what circumstances this could occur. How does it correlate with homosexuality and reincarnation? In my adult life, I have spent a lot of time with gay men. The term applied to me at one point in time was “fag hag.” My flatmate was gay, and our circle of friends was about half gay. We all spent a lot of time together. Some of them were very effeminate, some were flaming, and some of them seemed fairly average in the grand scheme of “gender norms” imposed by society. My first exposure to a sweet transexual, transvestite from Transylvania was the character we all know and love from the Rocky Horror picture show, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, brought to life in a way no other could ever duplicate by Tim Curry. My thoughts on Dr Furter…. A sex-positive flaming bisexual man, who has insecurities just like the rest of us. He was fabulous and desperately in need of understanding, support, and a long hug.

For the most part, I tend to take people as they are. Because of the gender norms that have taken hold in society, we have some pretty strong ideas cemented into our core value system about how we see people and how our brains identify other humans. The idea that this can be flipped over and changed for the entire human race is ludicrous. That’s not how brains work. That’s not how humans work. It takes a long time to create the change that is desired by the transgender community. It sucks, but it’s the truth. And the truth can sometimes suck.

I’ve never had a problem with humans dressing in clothes. you’re a man and you want to wear what we tend to see as female attire, go on with your bad self. Same for women wanting to dress in so-called men’s attire. Clothes are just clothes. As long as you aren’t sharing your naughty bits openly in public, I don’t care what you wear and I’m not going to go out of my way to judge anyone for it. As long as you aren’t wearing white after Labor Day. Just kidding… I don’t even really understand what that’s about or why it’s a thing.

I’ve always had people in my life who are running around being non-conformists when it comes to gender norms. It doesn’t bother me. Do you. As long as you are feeling fine in your own skin and you aren’t causing harm to anyone, do you. (That being said… some people are a little over-sensitive about EVERYTHING and imagine you are doing them harm by staring off into the distance in their general direction, but that’s an entirely different conversation.)

Most of the transgender people that I know personally, male and female, are just out here trying to live their best lives in a way that they feel comfortable and secure in. And to be quite honest, I haven’t really pondered their decisions at all. I meet someone whom my brain identifies as one or the other gender, but they clearly are giving off other hints, I just ask. I’ve rarely gotten an attitude about it, and more often than not, thanked for asking. It’s not hard to ask. If I’m having trouble with pronouns, I just use their name when referring to them. As a person who has a hard time remembering names, this is a great way to train your brain to remember their name. You may say… “just train your brain to use their pronouns.” Your logic is sound, but still not how brains work. Years of conditioning are throwing a monkey wrench into your solution. 

There is this lovely human being in a group that I enjoy spending time with. This person and their girlfriend are a lovely couple. When I see this person by brain identifies them as male, but also as the female they are presenting themselves as. I see them as both. And they are not the kind of person that is in your face aggressive about their identity. And I think that is what makes it easy to be so accepting of who they are. Not that they need my acceptance. But I think you get what I’m saying. At least I hope you do. I was in a singles group online for a while and there was a very attractive man that I had a huge crush on but he lived in Oregon and I just don’t do well in long-distance relationships. He was a trans man. fully transitioned. But I didn’t identify him as trans. He was just a man. I guess if you wanted to grill me about it, yeah, he was trans. Okay. But my brain didn’t identify him as that even though I knew that was what he was. But he wasn’t being all dramatic about it. He told me he was trans and I was like… okay. Are you fully transitioned? yeah? Okay. You’re a man.

I follow a trans woman content creator online, Alexis Blake. OMG, I love her. And there is nothing about her that identifies her as male in my mind. I don’t know that she is fully transitioned. But really, it doesn’t matter to me. She’s a woman in my eyes. And she seems to be super healthy about it from a mental aspect. Some say she very clearly is mental because she’s trans. But what I see is she was a gay man who was happy with their relationship, their job, and their life in general, and the only issue they were struggling with was their gender. So they changed it.

I have another person in my life. I’ve known them for a very long time. We’ve been friends for a long time. we had a brief sexual relationship. This person has always been very masculine in my eyes. They have recently come out as a transwoman. I want to be supportive. I want them to be happy. I have seen them struggle in life for acceptance and validation from the outside world. From friends, family, community. There’s a lot of trauma and insecurity built up in this person. And it’s been hard to see them struggling with drugs and alcohol and various other vices in the time I’ve known them. So while I want to be supportive, there is a part of me that is concerned. I am concerned that they are using this as another way to fill an unfillable hole inside them. I hope that is not the case. They seem to be so happy in their path to transitioning and that brings me joy to see. They have so much support and validation since they’ve made this announcement. I want to see them thrive. I just don’t want this to be another vice. I pray for it to be the true path to their feeling of peace in this world.

The biggest problem I have is with the people who are cramming it down our throats and making demands. This seems to be a transwoman thing because I have not seen any transmen making a public spectacle of themselves. There is a part of me that wonders about how men see women and how this correlates to how gay men and transwomen behave 89% of the time. How many “cis” women act like this? And let’s talk about this “cis” thing. I understand the argument that it’s just a way to categorize us. But I feel like it’s unnecessary. Why is it necessary? Maybe it’s necessary at a trans event of some sort, because we are the odd man or woman out. But out here every day… not so much. And really I think the only reason it’s important to categorize at all, trans or cis, is if you are looking to have a physically intimate relationship with someone. Only 1.03 % of the US population is trans. Some of this debate seems silly and unnecessary.

I have gotten of track. Gender dysphoria.

While I was raised in the Christian church, I’ve studied many different religious followings. I believe in reincarnation. I believe that before we reach the next plane of existence, we have many things we need to learn and experience on this human meat sack plane. Why is that? I don’t know. But….. I wonder if Gender dysphoria happens because say, in all my previous lives I was a woman. So being a woman fits. But what happens when I am reincarnated as a man? While we may not remember all of our previous lives, per se, have you ever met someone and feel you’ve known them forever? Have you ever been somewhere that you’ve never been before but you recognize so many things there and they bring up strong feelings for you? Have you ever just known how to do something that no one ever taught you. Instinctive stuff, like what to do in a certain type of emergency? So imagine every previous life you were a female and in this life, you are born a male, or vice versa. There is some part of you that is going to feel wrong. It’s going to feel so insanely foreign to you. That would be difficult to just roll with. wouldn’t it. Hell yeah, it would.

Honestly, this is really the only explanation that seems logical to me. And for those of you who don’t believe in reincarnation… it’s not going to make any sense at all. 

Now I have a question to pose, and I want to make it clear, I want other humans to be happy and feel good in their lives, in their bodies, in their minds. But the question is this. If you have been reincarnated as the opposite gender from previous lives, could it be that you mastered whatever it was the universe wanted you to master as that previous gender and your next lesson can only be mastered by living in the gender assigned to you in this life? Could we call this refusal to just “roll with it” Reincarnation Assignment Defiance Disorder?

The argument could be made that the lesson is to learn something else, about gender fluidity or that the meatsack we are residing in doesn’t define us. That we can change our gender stars.

But I argue that who we are and what we do is what defines us. We have complete control of that. The only reason we have control over our physical gender attributes on any level is because of medical science, which is still marginal. If this is what makes you comfortable in your skin, and you are a grown adult, then have at it. I support you. I will do my best to address you in a way that supports you. Just please, don’t be angry and violent and aggressive about it with me. It’s really not necessary. I prefer to see you as a human being living a glorious life and not a confrontational content creator making a spectacle of yourself for clicks. Be a content creator who is just living their best life and is happy doing it.

We are all just a cosmic bundle of energy residing on a human plane of existence until we can reach the next plane, whatever that is. I would like to think our purpose here is to learn to care for one another while we are here. And sometimes that can be hard, for whatever reason. That reason is different for every person. We ALL deserve to feel safe and comfortable in our own skins. We cannot do that by forcing our will on and inflicting pain on others.

My train of thought is gone, but if you are here reading this, I’m hoping for some open and honest insights. I’m hoping for open and honest communication. I’m not the end-all. These are just my random thoughts. And very clearly they aren’t complete. There is a lot I don’t know or understand.

I’ve something on my mind

And it’s hard to put it out there. I feel as if I should not have censor myself. But I do. Because what comes out of my head can hurt me. But if I hold it in it hurts me as well. So I have to decipher how to put it out into the world so as to cause the least amount of damage as possible while still expressing myself in a way that is satisfactory for my own sanity.

Ahhhh the dilemma.

WARNING!: It could be you I’m writing about.


That’s right. It could be you I’m writing about. Here’s the thing. Only you and I know it unless someone else is reading it was there… which is highly unlikely. I don’t name names. I don’t point fingers.

This is MY blog. This is where I go to write my thoughts and my feelings and my ideas and my stories… (not that I have written any stories here as I have an insane fear of people stealing my work that I will probably never publish) This is where I write the things that bug me to get them out so that I am not holding on to them and letting them eat me alive. If you happen to be a person that did something that bothered me enough for me to write about it… be happy I got it out so we can both move on. If you are butt-hurt about it, from a psychological standpoint… it would only be because you know you messed up. My getting it out and getting over it is my way of forgiving you. Maybe now you need to figure out a way to get over it. I would hope that you could be as respectful about it as I have been.

I am a human being… and just like you, I get ugly sometimes. This is my place to do that. Most of the time, I’m told, I’m a fairly beautiful person. And I would like to think that is true. If you are going to un-friend me because you didn’t like my moment of ugliness while I was being open and honest in my process of word vomiting the negative out and away from me so that I could continue being a friend that only thinks of you with happy thoughts, go on with your bad self. Being a true friend is being open and honest. It is not getting butt hurt when someone is honest with you. And it is making it a point to be understanding and accepting of that person, just as they should be with you. It doesn’t mean you aren’t going to irritate each other. It just means that you value more the non-irritating things.

This is me. This is my blog… and this is where I word-vomit. If you hate it, you don’t have to read it.


God or Science?

(Day 18 of 100)

I am super excited today! What started it? An athiest friend of mine decided to start a discussion about believing in God and believing in science.
In that discussion I was told that I was stupid, closed minded, and illogical.

I wish that I was having that debate with them in person. Because while they are getting all huffy and puffy with me the more I fail to bend to their way of thinking… the more I am laughing and smiling at their unimaginative mind. The more I am saddened by the fact that they have lost their sense of wonder. How they have lost that imagination that used to give them the ability to play for hours-on-end with a cardboard box pretending it was something other than what it was. Because imagination is what breeds idea… and ideas become something tangible. And one can argue that that is what this debate is really about… something tangible. And yet… God is tangible to me. But maybe it is because I believe that I somehow know him a little.

I wonder how it is that I can feel and see God all around me and others cannot? I wonder how those who claim to know God are so mean and hateful? Because I think if they truly knew God… they wouldn’t be.

I feel like I am caught in the middle. Those who do not believe are against me… and those who do believe are against me as well. My ideas do not fall in line with the bible beater and they are too imaginative and open minded for the atheist. And all I can do is laugh when they come at me. For I find it amusing and bewildering that they cannot conceive of my idea of God vs Science. That they cannot even ponder the notion for a fraction of a second.

They like to tell me that because I am a Christian I believe in Creationism. They are right. Then they tell me that only evolutionism is logical because there is scientific proof. I agree with that as well. (Now they are confused as hell.) My question is… how long is a day to God? One person’s comeback was “24 hours.” To that I say… 24 hours is the length of a day on earth which is where we live… so yes.. that is true. but if you are an omnipotent being who created not only earth but the surrounding universe do you think that his day is limited to 24 hours? We say a day is from the time the sun rises until it rises again… (approximately…. which actually holds no weight what-so-ever if you live in Alaska.) What if you live on a planet with two suns? And those are scientifically proven to exist. We know that there are other solar systems out there that are perfectly capable of sustaining life. I think that God created every single thing around us. I think that it is presented in the bible in a way that human beings at the time could understand it. But what people fail to realize is that it’s just a story… written by a man who was inspired by his God…. Honestly… did the guy who wrote it really have the ability to scientifically prove it? Of course not. Hello? *shaking my head*
What blows my mind is that some people take things so literally… and then say that I am the closed minded one. I believe that everything scientifically proven has merit. I also believe that it was part of God’s grand design. Every cell, every big bang, every star in the sky and single celled amoeba. There are still many things that Man has yet to figure out completely via science.
They argue evolutionism with me. Well, I believe that evolution occurs. but I have to question that we came from primates. Because if we did… why are there still primates? We are greedy eaters of the world… maybe we came from cockroaches. And why has evolution slowed so drastically? If we as human beings are as good as evolution gets… what a sad day. I am disheartened. Because we are really not that great.

In the beginning God created science. There’s potentially a God. Now what are you going to do with your life?

I honestly would love to have an open discussion about this if anyone would care to do so. However, if you choose to discuss… I would hope that you would choose to not be hateful or demeaning to others in the discussion… I know it’s difficult. Let’s see how grown up we can be, shall we? Your thoughts… I’m interested.

Have you had your plus sign today? Obviously not. And I think it’s Hilarious.

So… someone posts a photo with a happy thought on it.

Then someone comes along and says something negative about their happy thought. Another person comes along and points out the negative person’s negativity and their opinion of it.

Suddenly… the negative person twists the entire conversation to ensue to try and convince the person that pointed out their negativity that they are pathetic and that they take everything personally.

Why is it that Negativity guy can post his opinion… but no one is allowed to have an opinion about his opinion? Seriously? No one is allowed to have an opinion but you? And God forbid, someone have an opinion about your opinion…. that would be blasphemous.

And because your opinion is negative, and you back it up with your high- and-mightiness….. i.e. “I have a good relationship, so I should know” or “I’ve been married for 33 years” or “I am a recovering Alcoholic” or a “recovering drug addict” or “I’m saved!”

Well good for you! I’m proud of you. That doesn’t make you better than anyone else… and it definately does not put you in the position to tell other people how pathetic they are or that because their opinion isn’t just like yours that they are wrong somehow.

Opinions are like assholes, and everybody’s got one. If you are going to throw yours out there… be prepared for some feedback. Especially if your opinion is negative and mean and it’s on something that was meant to be heartwarming and sweet. People are going to say something… really. And before you say you think I took any response they had to my opinion about their negativity personally, I did not. I actually enjoyed the conversation as they continually tried to twist the conversation to make me look like the bad guy. Except I couldn’t… because I had others backing me up …. because why? Because I wasn’t being negative. Simply observant….

And on that note… why do people feel the need to comment on other people’s negativity, but have no desire to let someone know that their tire is flat or that their gas cap is left open or that they left their coffee or their purse on the top of their car or that their trunk is open or that things are flying out of the back of their truck or that they are dragging a long rope behind them with a child attached by the ankle…..

What happened to helping a brotha out?

Okay.. I’m done ranting now. I’ve been depressed as hell these past couple of days to the point of not wanting to do anything. I mean… it’s still a “why Botha?” moment for me…. Ugh…. Yakima sucks the life from me. On the upside, I finished two green apple hats, adult and baby and I finished two sets of mitts…. small and large. Yeah me. Now to just set up my etsy page or some junk….

Random crap about other people that bothers me… or Why I stay in my room.

1. IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS… LIKE THE TEA: So… you live with other people. And you walk in the kitchen, you get your teacup all ready, put the teabag in it and turn on the teapot. Then you go do other stuff while you are waiting for the water to boil because multi-tasking is a good skill and everyone should use it.

So the whistle goes off and someone is in the kitchen and standing right there and they turn the burner off before you can hear the whistle. But do they tell you the water is hot? No. Do they pour the boiling water over your teabag for you? No. So… your boiling water is now getting cold. When mom boils water for tea I not only pour the water over the tea for her, but I also tell her that I have done so, because she does not like her tea strong. She likes it to look like gnat piss and to taste like hot water. I say, why not just drink hot water? But I digress. My point here is….. I have obviously prepared my cup and my teabag and boiled water for boiling tea….. I pour the tea for others… why don’t others think to pour the tea for others? My friends pour the tea for others….. Hmmmmmm. Ponderous.

Just a little song, in case you don’t know about the importance of boiling water for tea:

2. HAZARDS TO OTHERS AND SHARING INFORMATION: You see a guy (or a girl) driving down the road and their tire is going flat… like really flat. Not quite on the rim flat… but close… You just stare at them. You don’t honk. You don’t try to let them know…. you just drive by or stare. Really? Not only is this a hazard to them and whoever is riding in their car… but it’s a hazard to you and others on the road around you…. especially at 70 miles per hour, you selfish dilrod! This also applies to people whose trunks are not shut and don’t seem to have a blockage… they just didn’t get closed, or maybe someone closed their dress in the door, or maybe their car is on fire…. For Gods sake… it isn’t going to hurt you to voice an observation of that sort. Most people appreciate it. And if they don’t… not your problem. You did your duty as a good human being.

3. THERE IS A WORLD PAST THE END OF YOUR NOSE: No really…. there is. Just because you can’t access it, doesn’t mean you can’t see it. And if you aren’t part of a solution, you are part of the problem. Hi there…. Note there are other humans around you with issues, possibly just like yours. Maybe you can help eachother. Even in a small way like encouragement. Wow… so simple…. go figure.

4. SO YOUR LIFE IS BORING…..: I don’t want to be involved in your type of “excitement.” People who can’t go find some wholesome excitement in their lives and require drama and gossip to survive. I don’t want to be involved. I do not want to be sucked in to it. I know how I get and I don’t like myself when I am that way. It is just easier for me to become a hermit. *sigh* I don’t want to hear about who said she said he said they said he did and then they said bla bla bla bla. I don’t care who slept with who or who hit on who or who said what to who. Go away. I have Warrior Dash training to do and I’m struggling with my own drama that I do not feel the need to impose upon the people I care about… so … Just go. This isn’t soap opera week, baby.

5. MEN: If I didn’t like their anatomy so much, I would totally become a Lesbian. Actually, I take that back. I’ve dated women. We are way worse than men and they don’t have Penises. I accept that men are they way they are and that is okay with me. I’m building a trebuchet and I have a pile of boulders… why? Because most men are oblivious and so if you throw rocks at them, they will go away. Using a trebuchet and boulders means I have to throw less rocks and my aim doesn’t have to be so hot and I can hit more than one oblivious man in one shot. I could get into something really detailed about the obliviousness of men… but if you are a man, you already know you are oblivious, and if you didn’t…. now you do. If you are a woman… you also know the details of man obliviousness. I’d just be preaching to the choir. Anyways… back to accepting that men are men and are nothing like women and they never will be. Once you get past that, it’s not so bad. Now to find one that isn’t scared of commitment. HAH! I find for the most part, they are all just trying to get in my pants. Sorry… that doesn’t make you special or make me want you. I can get that pretty much anywhere I go, and I’m not even that hot. Okay.. bored of this topic.

6. ANGRY PEOPLE: I’m sorry that you are angry. Find a way to deal with it. Don’t take it out on everyone around you. Your spewing of negativity is not doing anyone any good… including yourself. You know what all the negative energy you are throwing around does? Starts wars, cancer, divorce, major world catastrophes. No really, it does. Find a better way to release it… it’s possible. Seriously.

Don’t believe me? Thoughts become things, watch this:

7. THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS ADVICE GIVERS: It’s fine to offer advice to people. But if they don’t agree with your advice, or don’t take your advice… don’t get pissed off about it. I mean, I’m sure you are not the first person to give that advice. It’s also entirely possible that you don’t know the whole story and your advice doesn’t apply to the particular situation. But getting angry about it, taking it personally or ending a friendship over it is really ridiculous. And if that is the kind of person you are….. you are not the kind of person I want in my life. Sorry. Thanks for the advice. Take your self-righteous anger elsewhere.

Okay… my mind is starting to wander a bit…. And my daughter needs the laptop. She NEEDS it. No really… for school. Have a good one. Please feel free to list the things about people that bother you below…. Cram your info down my throat. I like it.